Monday, February 9, 2009

Food drops - Mission in it's own right

Don't underestimate the food drop run. The website "nowwhereroute" proved very capable and puts the trip Sydney => Melbourne via Kiandra, Thredbo, Glen Wills, Mt Hotham and Jamieson at 1500k odd and 22hrs. Add some extra time to get up to Mt Skene and back - you are looking at 24hrs plus for drive time. It proved to be quite accurarate on its time estimates. Certainly got our moneys worth from the rental car on this one - about 10c/km plus fuel. PS/ Hertz doesn't charge a one way fee

1 comment:

  1. Feel for you Karl. So close yet so far. We have postponed but will watch to see if the trail is affected and when the Parks are officially open again. It is a sobering reminder of the dangers of the bush and a reality check that others have lost so much. Good luck, will be watching to see what you do.
